American Saddlebred Riding

American Saddlebred Divisions

  • Saddle Seat - 5 Gaited

    Five gaited horses are perhaps the most exciting to watch. Along with the three natural gaits of the horse, five gaited horses also slow gait and rack. Both of these man made gaits are a four beat gait and incredibly smooth for the rider. Horses that show in this division are energetic, powerful and elegant at the same time. They are shown with a full mane and long tail.

  • Saddle Seat - 3 Gaited

    Three gaited horses have a distinct look brought on by their roached (shaved) manes to highlight the long and elegant neck trademarked by the American Saddlebred. These horses are highly animated and incredibly elegant in their movements. During a show the horse and rider are required to trot, canter, and come down to an animated walk. Although they do not have a mane, the tail of the horse should be full and flowing.

  • Saddle Seat - Park

    Park is the pinnacle of the saddle seat division. It originated from showing off a fancy horse by trotting through a park. Park classes demand extreme natural action, typically enhanced by training and shoeing. That big motion requires a lot of energy

  • Saddle Seat - Equestrian

    In saddle seat equitation classes, riders should convey the impression of effective and easy control. To show a horse well, they should show to the best advantage. Only the rider is being judged, therefore, any horse that is suitable for a particular style of riding and is capable of performing the required class routine is acceptable.

  • Driving - Pleasure

    Pleasure Driving horses are shown in light harness appropriate to the vehicle and a bridle with blinkers, overcheck or side check. A two-wheeled vehicle is required. They are shown at a true, flatfooted and ground covering walk, a balanced, relaxed and easy going trot, anda strong trot with a lengthened stride.

  • Driving - Fine Harness

    Fine harness horses are shown in a four-wheeled cart with a driver in control. These horses are perhaps the most animated of the show ring, and they only perform a trot and animated walk. Harness horses are especially elegant and almost float through the air. Drivers are able to wear long dress and suits, different from the tradition saddle seat habit. These horses are shown with a full mane and lush tail.

  • Hunt Seat

    Hunt seat is a style of forward seat riding commonly found in North American horse shows. The hunt seat is based on the tradition of fox hunting. Hunt seat competition in North America includes both flat and over fences for show hunters, which judge the horse's movement and form, and equitation classes, which judge the rider's ability both on the flat and over fences.

  • Western

    Western riding is considered a style of horse riding which has evolved from the ranching and welfare traditions which were brought to the Americas by the Spanish Conquistadors, as well as both equipment and riding style which evolved to meet the working needs of the cowboy in the American West.

Saddlebred Sport Horse

  • Dressage

    Dressage which focuses on the training of the horse, has the purpose to strengthen and train the horse while keeping a calm and attentive demeaner. This riding style is as much about riding correctly as is the vast amount of training that that has been invested by rider and horse to perfect their skill. Linked is a video of an Equestrian Dressage ride.

  • Jumping

    Jumping is the sport of clearing a rail or hurdle. The objective is to clear the course as quickly as possible testing the athletic ability of both the rider and horse. Deductions are made for faults and excessive time usage. Link provided is for a jumping demo.

  • Combined Driving

    Driving allows a Saddlebred horse to show their beauty. By pulling a two or four wheeled cart, horses show their skills at a walk and jog. The driver controls the fast paced speed while allowing the horse to showcase its elegance or grace. Link is a video demonstrating driving.

  • Eventing

    A style of riding where a participant competes in dressage, cross country, and show jumping. The three day eventing horse needs to be athletic and intelligent.

Academy Riding

Iowa Academy Rules

  • Walk, Trot, Canter

    Academy Riding is about the next generation of horse riders. It teaches proper technique for the rider, control and care for the horse. Riders in a show will demonstrate equitation and horsemanship skills during two rides in which they perform walk, trot, and canter skills. Linked in a video of an academy walk, trot, and canter class.

  • Walk & Trot

    Academy Riding is about the next generation of horse riders. It teaches proper technique for the rider, control and care for the horse. Riders in a show will demonstrate equitation and horsemanship skills during two rides in which they perform walk and skills. Linked in a video of an academy walk and trot skills.

  • Driving

    Driving allows a Saddlebred horse to show their beauty. By pulling a two or four wheeled cart, horses show their skills at a walk and jog. The driver controls the fast paced speed while allowing the horse to showcase its elegance or grace.. Academy driving can include an instructor during horse shows. Link is a video demonstrating driving.